This Month, Birmingham’s XRP Radio have a feature on Death Monkey Records! with an interview with Dave and Damian all about the label and DMR’s own Sarah Birch as the the cover artist for the August Edition.
XRP is dedicated to unsigned and independent artists and is fiercely against mainstream music and the over commercialisation it undergoes where it becomes sanitised and homogenised to reach a mass audience.
XRP share many of the principles which Death Monkey itself was founded on and the reason the DMR was setup in Swansea, so it is an honour and privilege to have been included in August’s edition with XRP station Boss Tizz speaking with Dave and Damian about a bit of background behind Death Monkey.
DMR artist Sarah Birch can also be found on the front cover with news of her NEW single ‘OLD MONEY NEW MONEY’ which is out NOW and able to stream through Spotify and the DMR Bandcamp.