Unfortunately, the covid-19 pandemic and lockdown kinda stopped us in our tracks with plans for this year! Especially as we had so many things in place to celebrate our 10 year anniversary as an independent Record Label! However, as we carefully try and navigate our way out of phased easing of lockdown regulations and the perilous situation our live music venues have been forced into, we have lots of exciting things not just on the horizon, but backlogged up to keep up busy for the foreseeable future!
After our spate of artist signings late 2019/early 2020, we have new material in the form of an EP from valley punk veterans, Trackstar/Pornstar; new single releases nearly ready to go from Kikker; albums from Tom Emlyn; King Goon’s James Morgan ready to start recording his debut solo EP; word of a new project, “Dropping Like Flies” made up of ex-members of 100000 Bodybags; World Vs. World are rumoured to have booked into a rehearsal space to hammer out new material ready for their next album; Sarah Birch reportedly in the middle of working on a follow up to her debut album from last year, plus of course, The Kick Jetts are getting ready to work with us for the first time!This is in addition to the imminent drop of the new DMR website plus the special remastered back catalog releases we also have planned over coming months…some of which may have the odd exclusive surprises!
We are really looking forward to taking on the mountain of work we now have ahead of us and are proud to have such a fresh and diverse line-up of artists contracted to DMR. Something we plan on diversifying and growing further as the next few years go on.Also, don’t forget you can still get our Abertawe 13 digital compilation from all the download and streaming places and all proceeds go to the ongoing Green Rooms (and neighbouring/associated venues) flood relief fund!