Swansea’s favourite anti hero’s have launched their latest line of Merch for this Summer. You can visit “World Vs. World’s” store at https://worldvsworld.bigcartel.com NOW to get your loot and be the coolest looking fucker in town, ready to espouse free speech and socialist values, crush the totalitariat and overpower your stinking capitalist wage master boss. Better still, come to the next “World Vs. World” gig near you and stop by the merch stall where a member of the band can personally take your cash and thank you with a great big “Tidy”.
A range of NEW designs are available in exchange for £10 which is guaranteed to help keep the music flowing and another few miles of petrol in the tank of the war buss. Do a good thing today, make your wardrobe happy and keep band members breath minty fresh by stopping them from having to syphon gas to get to the next show.